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The Elysée palace 12-20-2006 : Christmas tree
The President of the French Republic and Mrs. Jacques Chirac have welcome more than 600 children during the traditional Christmas tree in the Elysée palace. Iya was invited for the show: LE MERVEILLEUX VOYAGE DE NOËL

Link : www.elysee.fr/elysee/elysee.fr/francais/act
It was presented by Billy, the IAPIAP TV show animator on Canal J, with the participation of many artists: dancers, singers and others… The performances of iya have naturally touched the President Chirac and his wife. The French President addressed encouragements to iya, after having found in our Guinean marvel, energy, bravery and enthusiasm. The show and the snack brought together the children of the President staff aged from 6 to 10 and children of several French towns and villages: Audienne in the Finistère, Sommières, Alès and Aramon in the Gard, Sarrans et Vitrac in Corrèze. Were also invited the children of the National motorcycle policemen and the republican guards, who are in charge of the permanent protection of the Elysée. The presidential couple and the children laughed thanks to iya only style’s jokes and applauded the singers Faudel, M. Pokora, and the musical troupe of “Le Roi Soleil” and after the show, iya already had hundreds of fans, who were waiting for autographs.
..: All the photos :..


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