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KUWAIT: presentation of a car in the Emirates
Iya is the prestigious guest in the United Arab Emirates (Kuwait) for the presentation of the new Chevrolet range, six months before its marketing

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During his show, iya was able to demonstrate his skills and his suppleness with the ball, with an amazing strength. It’s good to know that it exists a car able to help us to do even more: the Uplander 2007. Driving this Uplander 2007, this enthusiasm is confirmed by the behavior of the 3.9-liter V6 horsepower, which develops 240 HP, whose every Uplander cars are now equipped. The Uplander is one of the new Chevrolet models (since January 2007), which revolutionizes the sport van market, by combining the best characteristics of family cars, a sport style and the salon car concept, whose driving is very efficient, sensible and quiet. Add to this, the serenity thanks to the antilock brake sysytem on every wheel, plus the security label attributed by the American Government. The Uplander is a 5 stars car regarding security for the driver and the front passenger crashes.
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